Atlas Of The Maldives English 6TH Edition
AtolleditionsA Reference for Travelers, Divers
and Sailors. 6th Edition. Early Explorations. Charles Darwin and
Captain Moresby, first coral reef experts.
By Tim Godfrey – English: New Edition. Published 2018.
ISBN 9781876410032. Hardback Edition. 260 x 210 mm. 108 pages.
Now in hard cover and fully revised and updated with detailed maps
of all atolls and features including dive sites, surfing sites, mangroves,
turtle and bird nesting islands, protected marine areas and a complete
island index with a new grid referencing system. Includes a history of
early mapping and information on atoll structure and formation, based
on the latest science. This book has stunning color photos of islands
and useful information for travelling in the atolls.
Also available in:
Russian. Published 2009. ISBN 9781876410438
Japanese. Published 2009. ISBN 9781876410131